[ap-intact] INFO: Banking Giant HSBC Sheltered Murky Cash Linked to Dictators and Arms Dealers - ICIJ report

[Facilitator's note: AP-INTACT shares this information as part of a special series this week on illicit financial flows.]

"Secret documents reveal that global banking giant HSBC profited from doing business with arms dealers who channeled mortar bombs to child soldiers in Africa, bag men for Third World dictators, traffickers in blood diamonds and other international outlaws."

. . .

"The documents, obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists [ICIJ] via the French newspaper Le Monde, show the bank’s dealings with clients engaged in a spectrum of illegal behavior, especially in hiding hundreds of millions of dollars from tax authorities. They also show private records of famed soccer and tennis players, cyclists, rock stars, Hollywood actors, royalty, politicians, corporate executives and old-wealth families.". . .

"ICIJ enlisted more than 140 journalists from 45 countries, including reporters from Le Monde, the BBC, The Guardian, 60 Minutes, Süddeutsche Zeitung and more than 45 other media organizations.

"The reporters found the names of current and former politicians from Britain, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kenya, Romania, India, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Tunisia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Paraguay, Djibouti, Senegal, the Philippines and Algeria, among others. They found several people on the current U.S. sanctions list, such as Selim Alguadis, a Turkish businessman alleged to have supplied sophisticated electrical goods to Libya’s secret nuclear weapons project…"

Read the full ICIJ report here: http://www.icij.org/project/swiss-leaks/banking-giant-hsbc-sheltered-murky-cash-linked-dictators-and-arms-dealers?utm_campaign=swiss_leaks&utm_source=appeal&utm_medium=button_middle&goal=0_ffd1d0160d-b4353af741-100284341&mc_cid=b4353af741&mc_eid=3f8ed8229e

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