Using the big screen to target corruption in Indonesia

The Anti-Corruption Film Festival, or ACFFest, is back for its second run this year, welcoming aspiring Indonesian filmmakers and students to create their own short films and documentaries with an antigraft theme. “This year we have a number of categories: short documentary, short film, citizen journalism [and] animation,” says Arturo G.P., one of the festival’s judges and a professional actor and filmmaker. Arturo says the judges this year are focused on finding works with a strong anti-corruption message as well as original ideas and concepts. The competition is open for material produced between Jan. 1, 2013, and Oct. 31, 2014. The deadline for submissions is Oct. 31. Winners will be announced and awarded on Dec. 9, which is International Anti-Corruption Day.

Read the story by Nivell Raydain The Jakarta Globe. For more information about ACFFest 2014, visit

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