Global - Global - Africa

[Publication] Integrity matters: Net zero commitments by business, financial institutions, cities and regions. "The HighLevel Expert Group on the Net Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities was tasked by the UN Secretary General with addressing net zero pledges and commitments from nonstate actors." 



Benefiting people and the planet: why we must prioritize gender in anti-corruption and climate efforts. "We need to prioritize the inclusion of women in the entire climate intervention process, and protect women's access to resources and strengthening their ability to take climate action." 

Transparency International: 


African Think Tank is calling on African governments to tackle issues relating to corruption if indeed it is committed to the goals of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 27). "The alliance stressed that it shall continue to use all legal means to push for total transparency and disclosure in energy and climate project sectors." 

Modern Ghana:

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