ASEAN – Global - Libya

[Event] Upscaling the Fair Business Environment in ASEAN with UNDP FairBiz project. "The regional event organized by UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub will present the tangible benefits of the project launched in 2018 with the generous support of the UK Government, ASEAN Economic Reform Programme." 



[Online course] Anti-corruption courses related to natural resource sector are open to everyone by U4. "Corruption and wildlife trafficking, corruption in the forestry sector and corruption in the extractive industries course are provided with a self-paced format." 

U4 Anti-corruption Resource Centre: 


The anti-corruption conference, attended by High-level officials, was held in Libya focusing on fighting corruption to build stability. "The conference proposed 5 pillars: modernising, coordinating and resourcing efforts; curbing illicit finance; holding corrupt actors accountable; preserving and strengthening the multilateral architecture; and improving diplomatic engagement and leveraging foreign assistance."  

Libyan Express: 

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