Global - Africa - France
COP 27: World leaders must block undue influence to achieve climate action. "Fighting climate change and fighting corruption go hand in hand. The world's most powerful industries, from fossil fuels to automobile manufacturers, continue to lobby to dilute and delay climate policies – and they must be stopped if we are to make real progress to save our planet."
Transparency International:
African Union member-states commit to implementation of Africa's asset recovery agenda. "Discussions focused on experience sharing while ensuring that the frameworks for asset recovery by African States maintained a comprehensive approach in a holistic and economically beneficial way. The meeting also made valid proposals to address key legal issues that African States face in recovering illicit financial outflows and stolen assets."
The Eagle Online:
French Anticorruption Agency Publishes 2022 Analysis of Corporate Anticorruption Measures. "Although French companies have made progress in anticorruption compliance over the past two years, the Agency has found that they still have difficulty implementing certain measures, particularly anticorruption accounting controls."