G20 – PNG – Global

G20 Bali Leaders' Declaration. "We will continue to lead by example through strengthening and implementing our obligations and commitments to anti-corruption efforts including through legally binding instruments, while renewing our commitment to zero tolerance for corruption." 

White House: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/11/16/g20-bali-leaders-declaration/ 


The Papua New Guinea (PNG) Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) launched its Anti-Corruption and Integrity Strategy 2023-2025. "ICAC foresees that the threat of corruption is not only from the outside but also within, thus it is critically important for ICAC to ensure that they have systems and processes that can help them eradicate corruption." 

Papua New Guinea Today: https://news.pngfacts.com/2022/11/icac-launches-strategy-to-combat.html 


[Announcement] TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix 2022. "It measures business bribery risk in 194 jurisdictions. The overall country risk score is a combined and weighted score of four domains: Business Interactions with GovernmentAnti-Bribery Deterrence and EnforcementGovernment and Civil Service Transparency; and Capacity for Civil Society Oversight, including the role of the media." 

Trace: https://www.traceinternational.org/trace-matrix 

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