Predicting corruption scandals / Iran banking / Solomon Islands media group
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Political corruption scandals may be predicted by network science. In a new study, researchers have demonstrated that it may be possible to predict who will play a role in future scandals by modeling current scandals using networks.
Lisa Zyga/
How Corruption and Cronyism in Banking Fueled Iran's Protests (opinion). "The International Monetary Fund warned last month that Iran's banks and lenders 'need urgent restructuring and recapitalization,' calling for write-downs of overvalued assets and a crackdown on loans to insiders. "
Thomas Erdbrink, David D. Kirkpatrick and Nilo Tabrizy/New York Times:
Solomon Islands media group in transparency project. The Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) is involved in the Transparency and Accountability for the People of Solomon Islands Project (TAP), which is funded by the United Nations Development Programme.
For more information, please contact Hilda Lamani, MASI Chief Executive Officer (
Thank you to John Hyde, TAP consultant, for sharing this information.