Jakarta Principles revisit / Tax planning transparency / Afghanistan accountability controls
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Dispatches from the UNCAC Conference of States Parties, Part 1: Revisiting the Jakarta Principles of Anti-Corruption Agencies (commentary). "Last month's COSP panel on 'Revisiting the Jakarta Principles: Strengthening Anti-Corruption Agencies' Independence and Effectiveness' made a strong case for ACA's importance to the fight against corruption."
Matthew Stephenson/Global Anticorruption Blog: https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2017/12/19/dispatches-from-the-uncac-conference-of-states-parties-part-1-revisiting-the-jakarta-principles-of-anti-corruption-agencies
Tax Planning in a World of Increased Transparency (commentary). " Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are facing an evolving international tax landscape with long-term implications for tax compliance, planning and controversy. "
Michael R. Louis & Cym H. Lowell, McDermott Will & Emery/The National Law Review: https://www.natlawreview.com/article/tax-planning-world-increased-transparency
Pentagon Watchdog Struggles to Teach Afghan Government Accountability Controls. Among the many reasons for the slow progress in stabilizing war-torn Afghanistan is poor communication between U.S. inspectors and the Kabul government on how U.S. support is tracked.
Charles S. Clark/Government Executive: http://www.govexec.com/oversight/2018/01/pentagon-watchdog-struggles-teach-afghan-government-accountability-controls/144933