Hong Kong graft complaints / Thailand unmarried partners / Australia anti-corruption bills
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Graft complaints in Hong Kong's finance and insurance sectors up by 20 per cent, with 177 cases reported in 2017. Complaints of corruption in Hong Kong's finance and insurance sectors rose by almost 20 per cent to 177 in the first 11 months of 2017, the Independent Commission Against Corruption reported, even as it said that this did not point to a worsening problem.
Christy Leung/South China Morning Post: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-crime/article/2125075/graft-complaints-hong-kongs-finance-and-insurance-sectors
Thailand's anti-graft bill to target unmarried partners. The anti-graft organic bill expected to go before the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) last December 21, 2017 will require unmarried partners of political office-holders to declare their assets, chairman of the scrutiny committee Chatchawal Suksomjit said.
Mongkol Bangprapa/Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/1382011/anti-graft-bill-to-target-unmarried-partners
Australia: Whistleblowing and Foreign Bribery Bills introduced into Senate. The Australian Government has introduced two new Bills into the Senate on the last sitting week of 2017 that, if passed, will increase companies' corporate compliance requirements.
Georgie Farrant & Naomita Royan/Global Compliance News: https://globalcompliancenews.com/australia-whistleblowing-and-foreign-bribery-bills-senate-20171212/