Korea minister's vow / Nepal biggest case / Indonesia bad timing
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Korea Justice Minister vows efforts to root out corruption. Justice Minister Park Sang-ki promised Monday to continue efforts next year to fight corruption and address the wrongdoings of past governments.
Yonhap News Agency: http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/news/2017/12/31/0200000000AEN20171231000700315.html
Biggest corruption case in Nepal's history. On July 16, the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) filed cases against three members of the Tax Settlement Commission (TSC) at the Special Court on the charge of embezzling Rs10.02 billion in what is the biggest corruption case in Nepal's history.
Prithvi Man Shrestha/The Kathmandu Post: http://kathmandupost.ekantipur.com/news/2017-12-31/biggest-corruption-case-in-nepals-history.html
Indonesia Police to put on hold plan to set up own anti-corruption unit. A plan by Indonesia's National Police to establish a special anti-corruption unit has been put on hold indefinitely due to "bad timing," Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian said
Sheany/Jakarta Globe: http://jakartaglobe.id/news/bad-timing-forces-police-put-hold-plan-establish-anticorruption-unit/
Yonhap News Agency: http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/news/2017/12/31/0200000000AEN20171231000700315.html
Prithvi Man Shrestha/The Kathmandu Post: http://kathmandupost.ekantipur.com/news/2017-12-31/biggest-corruption-case-in-nepals-history.html
Sheany/Jakarta Globe: http://jakartaglobe.id/news/bad-timing-forces-police-put-hold-plan-establish-anticorruption-unit/