President Jokowi message / Korea law / UNODC Myanmar help

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Legal Enforcement is Important to Combat Corruption: President Jokowi. President Jokowi noted that Indonesia is one of the countries that have been active in enforcing the law in corruption cases which can be proven that since 2004 until now, at least 12 governors and as well as 64 mayors and regents have been arrested for committing corruption.

Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia:

Thank you to Adhi Setyo Tamtomo, KPK,  for sharing this information.

Korea anti-corruption rules watered down.  South Korea's controversial anti-corruption law that cut deep into the country's time-honored gift-giving tradition is set to get watered down, about 15 months after taking effect. 

Kim Da-sol/The Korea Herald:

UN crime-fighting agency to help anti-corruption campaign.  The United Nation's Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) will help boost the Myanmar's Anti-Corruption Commission in its bid to stamp out graft and dishonesty among government officials and civil servants, a regional official of the UNODC said.

Nyein Zaw Lin/Myanmar Times:

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