Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR) Day at UN anti-corruption conference

The Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Day
Tuesday, 7 November 2017 (9:00-17:30)
Conference room M3, Vienna International Centre, VIC

As we mark a decade of collaboration with our partners and stakeholders in asset recovery, we also look at challenges, solutions, and our collective efforts and accomplishments to build a solid foundation for tracing and returning proceeds of crime. The event brings together distinguished experts, policymakers, civil society and government leaders around the world to share their insight and most effective tools (full agenda follows).

Simultaneous interpretation will be available in English/French/Spanish

9:00–10:30 A High-Level Conversation on Asset Recovery: Achievements, Challenges, and the Road Ahead

Organized by: StAR

10:30–10:45 Networking break

10:45–12:15 Guidelines for the Efficient Recovery of Stolen Assets: The Launch of an 
Online Tool

Organized by: Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, International Centre for Asset Recovery, StAR

12:15–13:15 What are the New Resources in Asset Recovery?

Organized by: StAR

13:15–13:30 Networking break

13:30–15:00 Best Practices in Asset Management
Organized by: United States

15:00–15:30 Networking break

15:30–17:00 The Role of Civil Society in Asset Recovery

Organized by: UNCAC Coalition and HEDA Resource Centre and Cooperating parties: Norway, Sri Lanka, Corruption Watch, Transparency International,
Global Witness, Cornerhouse, WARN

17:00–17:30 Closing Remarks: What is Next for the Global Asset Recovery Agenda?

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