A message from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) of Indonesia on the 5th Anniversary of the Jakarta Principles

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27 November 2017
Dear Colleagues,
On this date, five years ago, we gathered in Jakarta to discuss a set of "Principles for Anti-Corruption Agencies" to promote and strengthen the independence and effectiveness of anti-corruption agencies (ACA). We reviewed and discussed country experiences from around the world, challenges faced by ACAs, and key requirements for ensuring the independence and effectiveness of ACAs. And finally, we recommended a set of principles for anti-corruption agencies known as the Jakarta Principles.
On 9 November 2017, on the margins of the Conference of State Parties to the UNCAC, Indonesia, Romania, France and Burkina Faso together with Transparency International, UNODC, and UNDP held a special event on "Revisiting the Jakarta Principles: Strengthening Anti-Corruption Agencies' Independence and Effectiveness".
The panel discussion recommended that all State parties use the Jakarta Principles as a guiding framework in defining the work of anti-corruption agencies and respect those principles at all times. The outcome of the discussion also highlighted the role of anti-corruption authorities, civil society organisations and international organisations, such as UNODC and UNDP, to advocate for the operationalisation of the Jakarta Principles.
Despite the common adoption of the Jakarta Principles, there is no mechanism to monitor the compliance towards the Jakarta Principles or to Articles 6 and 36 of the UNCAC. As the criminals (corruptors) are fighting back, they try to jeopardize the independence of anti-corruption agencies and to intimidate the leaders and officers of ACAs.
Below are examples of challenges and obstacles faced by anti-corruption agencies that may imperil them to work effectively and independently:
1. 'We don't feel safe': Afghan anti-graft officials demand protection:  http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/-we-don-t-feel-safe---afghan-anti-graft-officials-demand-protection-9397434
2. Eight men, including army doctor, charged over murder of Malaysian prosecutor Kevin Morais: http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/8-men-including-army-doctor-charged-over-murder-of-malaysian-prosecutor-kevin-morais
3. Gunmen attack Nigeria corruption agency offices: http://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-africa-40829058
4. Indonesian anti-corruption investigator injured in acid attack calls for the fight to continue: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-26/investigator-injured-in-acid-attack-rallies-anti-graft-efforts/8746248
5. Bringing in the scalps: the woman leading Romania's war on corruption: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/04/woman-leading-war-on-corruption-romania
Therefore, to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the Jakarta Principles, we would like to invite all governments to show their commitment to effectively fight against corruption through the establishment of strong anticorruption agencies/authorities in accordance with the Jakarta Principles.
Finally, we also would like to wish you the best of luck in your effort against corruption!
Best regards,
Laode M Syarif
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)
Jakarta, Indonesia

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