Blockchain vs. corruption / Business anti-corruption role / Myanmar spotlight

Blockchain to Fight Corruption in Southeast Asia.  Blockchain is being tested for its potential to bring light to secretive industries in Southeast Asia.
Voice of America:

UN backed-report highlights role of business in achieving Global Goal on peace, justice and strong institutionsThrough anti-corruption measures, promoting diversity and supporting justice initiatives, companies play a crucial role in achieving targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on building accountable and inclusive institutions, according to a report released by a United Nations-backed global fund.
UN News Centre:

Spotlight on Myanmar transparency.  An annual study on business transparency at Myanmar companies would be widened next year to encourage inclusiveness and accountability in a larger context, according to the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB), a Yangon-based initiative funded by six European nations.
Khine Kyaw, Myanmar Eleven/The Nation:

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