Korean gravy train / Timor-Leste spirituality / Philippines tough talk

Gravy train (editorial).  "The latest corruption scandal involving former key aides to ousted President Park Geun-hye should shed fresh light on the problems of the government's audit-free 'special activity accounts.' "
The Korea Herald: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20171103000273

Fighting corruption with spiritual power in East Timor.  "Leaders and activists [of the KUNTO Party, a new force in Timorese politics] have repeatedly stated that much of the party's appeal derived from the strategy to defeat corruption they offered to voters."
New Mandala/Edward Aspinall & James Scambary: http://www.newmandala.org/fighting-corruption-spiritual-power-east-timor/

Tough talk against corruption needs concrete action to succeed (commentary).  "The [Philippine] government's anti-corruption efforts will find meaning and generate widespread support if those leading the fight would subject themselves to the same tough standards they impose on others."
Tita C. Valderama/The Manila Times: http://www.manilatimes.net/tough-talk-corruption-needs-concrete-action-succeed/360941/

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