Whistleblower protection urged / Malaysia civil society / Korea anti-corruption drive

Whistleblower protection urged in Taipei workshop.  A two-day workshop on protecting the safety and rights of top-level whistle-blowers opened 19 July 2017 in Taipei, hosted by the Agency Against Corruption and co-organized by the Papua New Guinea governmentto draft regulations that would live up to the spirit of the UN Convention Against Corruption.

Malaysian civil society coalition calls for separate independent anti-corruption body.  Governance, Integrity, Accountability and Transparency (GIAT), a coalition of civil societies, has called for the formation of an independent anti-corruption commission to tackle issues of corruption in the country.

Korea president initiates anti-corruption drive. The Moon Jae-in government has initiated inspections and audits into key projects carried out under the previous conservative administrations and corruption allegations involving them.

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