Timor Leste strategic plan / REDD+ workshop toolkit / World Drug Report

Timor-Leste Needs a New National Anticorruption Strategy (opinion).  "To achieve the 'zero tolerance' culture envisioned in the [Anti-Corruption Commission] Strategic Plan 2010-2020, it is now timely, appropriate, and strategic for the Government and Parliament to strengthen anticorruption measures and mechanisms, including through a new National Anti-Corruption Strategy."
Jonas Guterres, former Advisor to the Anti-Corruption Commission of Timor-Leste/Global Anticorruption Blog: https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2017/06/29/guest-post-timor-leste-needs-a-new-national-anticorruption-strategy/

Benefits and risks toolkit for REDD+ workshop facilitatorsThe UN-REDD Programme has released a workshop facilitators' tool kit (compriisng of a guide and six worksheets that can be used flexibly in a workshop setting) of its 'Benefits and Risks Tool' (BeRT) to support country teams in applying the REDD+ safeguards and comprises. 

World Drug Report Highlights Role of Corruption, Technology in Drug Trade. The 2017 World Drug Report released by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, or UNODC, on Friday (23/06) highlights recent trends in drug markets, such as the role of technology, corruption and the increased versatility of organized crime groups and drug trafficking channels.

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