Japan hidden income / Afghanistan technical solution / India brokers

Japanese individuals, firms named in Panama Papers owe ¥1 billion in taxes on hidden income.  Japanese individuals and companies listed in the leaked Panama Papers owe more than ¥1 billion ($9.06 million) in taxes on undeclared income, according to the first calculation by Japanese tax authorities of the amount owed on the undeclared incomeexposed by the documents, which detail how the rich and powerful use tax havens to hide their wealth.

Reforming the [Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF)] Payroll Management System: The Limits of a Technological Solution (commentary).  "A viable long-term solution, as opposed to a temporary fix, must be human-centered and account for the incentive structures that drive corruption within the ANDSF."

Indian gov't seeks anti-money laundering compliance info from brokers.  Stock brokers have been directed to furnish details about their compliance with various anti- money laundering requirements as the government steps up efforts to deal with the black money menace. 

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