[ap-intact] INFO: G20/B20 Anti-corruption Toolkit for SMEs - looking for Adaptation Partners!

[Facilitator's note: Thank you to Brook Horowitz, CEO, IBLF Global, for sharing this information.]

The B20 (the Business-20, a business advocacy group which advises the G20, http://en.b20-china.org/)  has produced, at the request of the G20 Anti-corruption Working Group, a new Anti-corruption Toolkit for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

Now the task is to ensure that the Toolkit is properly disseminated to its target audience.

The plan is to adapt and translate the Toolkit into other languages in order to make it as directly accessible and as useful as possible to SMEs all over the world. The first adapted Toolkit will appear in Turkey in early 2016 and we have already talking to potential “Adaptation Partners” in Italy, Mexico and UAE.

If you are interested in becoming the Adaptation Partner for your country, please get in touch with the Toolkit’s co-author at IBLF Global, Brook Horowitz (brook.horowitz@iblfglobal.org).

Even if you are not able to become an Adaptation Partner, we’d be grateful if you would publicise to other organisations in your country the fact that we are looking for potential Adaptation Partners:  kindly forward the Toolkit link to them, and/or introduce them to us.

- Brook Horowitz, CEO, IBLF Global

The Anti-corruption Toolkit for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises is available at: http://issuu.com/iblfglobal/docs/b20-g20_anti-corruptiontoolkit_for_/1

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