[ap-intact] JOB OPPORTUNITIES: UNDP Lao PDR; UNDP Afghanistan

[Facilitator's note: Thank you to Nick Booth, Programme Advisor-Governance, Conflict Prevention, Access to Justice and Human Rights, UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub, for sharing this information.

AP-INTACT shares this information strictly as a service to members. To apply or know more, you may click on the links below. Please do not send your query or application to AP-INTACT. AP-INTACT is not responsible for the accuracy of the posted information and is not involved in any way in the selection practices/decisions of the sponsoring organisation.]

UNDP Lao - International Evaluator for Support Project for Implementation of Legal Sector Master Plan (SPLSMP)

Deadline for application: 30 Oct 2015.

UNDP Lao PDR invites applications from qualified consultants in order to perform the mid-term evaluation of the SPLSMP. This evaluation should assess relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the project. It should assess what works and does not work and why, highlight intended and unintended progress and/or results, and provide strategic lessons to guide decision-makers and inform stakeholders.

For more information, please visit this link: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=60964

UNDP Afghanistan - International Consultant (Mainstreaming Human Rights in Policing)

UNDP/Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA Project) requires the services of an international consultant to comprehensively undertake the mapping and assessment of the existing legal and regulatory framework (policy) and the capacity within the Ministry of Interior (Afghan National Police) to comply with constitutional and normative frameworks of addressing human rights compliances by police including the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy.

Deadline for application: 4 Nov 2015.

For more information, please visit this link: http://www.af.undp.org/content/afghanistan/en/home/operations/jobs.html

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