[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: To make people buy into fighting corruption, we first need to know how to sell it

"Anti-corruption campaigns in Indonesia follow a dominant worldview that see corruption as something evil. Campaigns against corruption in Indonesia paint it as an extraordinary crime carried out by greedy people.

"But in preaching anti-corruption messages, these campaigns neglect local cultural norms and values. In designing anti-corruption campaigns, we import an understanding of practices labelled as corrupt from Western countries, which generally value individualism and are not averse to conflict.

"It’s difficult to apply these notions in local anti-corruption campaigns without taking into account the complexities of values, such as collectivism and social harmony, that exist in countries like Indonesia."

Read more from Kanti Pertiwi, in The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/to-make-people-buy-into-fighting-corruption-we-first-need-to-know-how-to-sell-it-48744

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