[ap-intact] INFO: Afghanistan falls short on global budget transparency index

[Facilitator's note: Thank you to SamirullahPopalzai, Senior Advocacy Officer, Integrity Watch Afghanistan, for sharing this information.]

According to the Open Budget Survey 2015 report, which Integrity Watch Afghanistan (IWA) launched in Kabul on 29 September 2015 in coordination with International Budget Partnership, the Afghanistan government limits the budget information it makes available to the public and fails to provide citizens with sufficient information to make them fully understand the budget and hold the government to account.

Read more in IWA's website. http://iwaweb.org/afghanistan-falls-short-on-global-budget-transparency-index-the-government-continues-to-deny-citizens-the-information-needed-to-understand-and-influence-the-use-of-public-money/

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