[ap-intact] INFO: Promoting Integrity in the Criminal Justice Chain - Key Findings of an Expert Meeting, 4 Sept 2015, Malaysia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in cooperation with U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre-CMI, and GIZ, organized an expert meeting on 4 September 2015, in Putrajaya, Malaysia, that brought together over 40 participants including representatives from the judiciary and anti-corruption agencies, UNDP country offices, as well as development partners and other international experts. The meeting took stock of lessons learned from initiatives in the justice sector to address corruption as well as reviewed existing gaps in approaches and methodologies for identifying and mitigating corruption risks in the criminal justice chain.

Key findings of the Expert Meeting are available here: http://www.asia-pacific.undp.org/content/dam/rbap/docs/dg/events/RBAP-DG-2015-Criminal-Justice-Chain-Meeting-Key-findings.pdf

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