[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: Changing physical settings of govt offices might influence corrupt behavior

"Corrupt transactions do not merely 'take place' – they take place in a place, a specific place at a specific time: At customs authorities and land registrars, at hospital wards, police road-stops, school headmaster offices, or the offices of social benefits agencies. The fact that most forms of corruption occur in physical locations may seem both obvious and unimportant, but in fact there may be some promising ways to modify the physical settings for government-citizen interactions that would make various kinds of corruption less likely to occur (or easier to detect and remedy)."

Read the post by Dieter Zinnbauer, in the Global Anticorruption Blog. http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2015/10/08/guest-post-promoting-ambient-accountability-with-architecture-and-design/

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