Asia-Pacific Integrity in Action [ap-intact] --- posts of 12 August 2015

INFO: Punishment for prosecutors if China corruption suspects kill selves
Chinese prosecutors will be punished if officials they are investigating for abuse of office commit suicide, authorities said, after several suspects caught up in an anti-corruption drive killed themselves.
Read the story in First Post.

COMMENTARY: Fishing for the Right ACA Heads, and Keeping Them Safe
"There has been much discussion on [the Global Anticorruption Blog] about the requirements for an effective, independent anticorruption agency (ACA). A number of factors are important, including (as emphasized in the Jakarta Statement) the ACA’s mandate, permanence, budget security, autonomy over financial and human resources, and internal and external accountability mechanisms, to name a few. But among the many important factors, the procedures for appointment and removal are particularly critical. As the saying goes, 'a fish rots from the head down': when the leadership of an organization is unethical or ineffective, these failings infect the entire organization. Undue external interference with an ACA is likely to target the head, and a co-opted or corrupted ACA head can do serious damage to the effectiveness and reputation of the ACA."
Read the post by Sofie Arjon Schütte, Senior Advisor at the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, in the Global Anticorruption Blog.

INFO: Pakistan’s army publicly shames two retired generals for misusing funds
Pakistan’s army has publicly shamed two retired generals for misusing funds, in a move seen as a significant attempt by the country’s top general to clean up corruption in the military.
Read the story in South China Morning Post.


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