Asia-Pacific Integrity in Action [ap-intact] --- posts of 10 August 2015


---------- Posts of 10 August 2015 ----------

INFO: In Cambodia, groups have their say on access to information law
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization will soon begin holding public meetings nationwide to consult the public on a long-awaited law that would give Cambodians access to important information held by the government. Read the story by Phorn Bopha, in Voice of America.

INFO: The little anti-corruption agency that could
"At first, Croatia planned to create a police paramilitary unit modeled on Italy’s anti-mafia directorate. But that model seemed ill suited for investigations of white-collar corruption. Instead, legislative drafters looked to the anti-corruption agencies of Lithuania and Hong Kong, both of which had broad mandates covering investigation, prosecution, prevention, education, and policy coordination." Read the article by Gabriel Kuris, in Foreign Policy. This article is part of a series of case studies exploring successful approaches to fighting corruption.

INFO: Indonesia anti-corruption advocacy group named Allard Prize finalist
The Peter A. Allard School of Law, at University of British Columbia, named Indonesia Corruption Watch as among the four finalists of the 2015 Allard Prize for International Integrity, a $100,000-prize that is one of the largest awards in the world recognizing efforts to combat corruption and promote human rights. Read the article in the Allard Prize website. See also: "Journalists, activists and advocacy group named finalists for Allard Prize for International Integrity".


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