[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: Corruption Is a Systems Failure, But Not All Systems Failures Are Corruption

"I do think one of the hazards of a term like 'corruption' is the occasional tendency to define it so capaciously that it loses any specific meaning. There is an associated tendency to confuse or conflate the somewhat distinct meanings that 'corruption' can have in different contexts (for example, legal versus non-legal contexts). So I think, despite my usual aversion to definitional squabbling, it’s occasionally useful to push back against the attempt to define corruption so broadly as to swallow up every way that an institution or organization can go wrong."

Read the post by Matthew Stephenson, in The Global Anticorruption Blog. http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2015/07/30/corruption-is-a-systems-failure-but-not-all-systems-failures-are-corruption/

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