Social norm change tips / Indonesia graft fighters cyberattacked / Mongolia local government corruption

Black Boxes and Trendsetters: Social Norm Change Tips from Cristina (Blog).  “[Cristina Bicchieri, one of the foremost scholars of social norms change,] has observed that several social norm change interventions do not have clarity about what they are trying to change…anti-corruption practitioners need to first diagnose whether a collective pattern of corrupt behaviour is driven by normative expectations, before saying that an intervention is targeting a social norm change.”

Dhaval Kothari/Tufts University:  


More KPK employees, supporters fall victim to cyberattacks.  “A string of online attacks against [Indonesia’s] Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) employees and their supporters is escalating as more people have been targeted.”

Dio Suhenda/The Jakarta Post:  


Mongolia: complaints regarding local government corruption is increasing.  “In April 2021, the IAAC received a total of 183 complaints from citizens, businesses, and institutions….The majority of corruption complaints filed to the IAAC are related to local governments. Most of the corruption activity information is regarding the Local Governor’s Office, with the most common being related to human resources, budget spending, tenders, procurement, civil service activities, and licensing.”

Indepdent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia:  

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