Malaysia 1MDB recovery / Mongolia CPI-penal sanctions research / International anti-corruption awards

Malaysia’s 1MDB, former unit file suits to recover $23 bln.  “Malaysia’s finance ministry said Monday that sovereign wealth fund 1MDB and a former subsidiary have filed 22 lawsuits to recover assets worth over $23 billion from various institutions and individuals..”

Associated Press:  


Brief conclusion of comparative analysis of the corruption perception index and the penal sanctions of corruption-related crimes.  “A comparative study of the criminal laws, anti-corruption laws, and other relevant laws of 34 countries was conducted by Independent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia to determine the correlation between the types of penal sanctions, duration of imprisonment punishment for the corruption crime, and the Corruption perception index.”

Indepdent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia:  


The U.S. State Department’s New International Anticorruption Champions Awards Are a Winning Strategy in the Fight Against Corruption (Blog).  “While it remains to be seen whether and how the International Anticorruption Champions Awards will impact anticorruption efforts in the recipients’ home countries and beyond, the awards are an important step toward de-normalizing corruption and celebrating those who work against it.”

Laurel Zigerelli/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  

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