Psychological cost of corruption / New KickBack podcast episode / Monitoring infrastructure corruption

The forgotten psychological cost of corruption in developing countries (Commentary).  “Our research aims to shine a light on how everyday corruption harms mental health in developing countries. The damage can come in several forms. For example, the size and frequency of bribes imposes financial costs and creates anxiety, especially for poorer households, who are disproportionately affected and more vulnerable.”

Smriti Sharma, Finn Tarp and Saurabh Singhal/The Conversation:  


New Post, Featuring Nicola Bonucci (Blog/Podcast).  “I interview Nicola Bonucci, currently a partner with the Paul Hastings law firm, who served for many years as the Director of Legal Affairs for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Our interview focuses primarily on the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Officials in International Business Transactions (sometimes referred to simply as the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention)”

Matthew Stephenson/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  


Monitoring infrastructure corruption (Blog).  “Transparency International Australia is launching a new project to identify the loopholes that enable corruption to thrive in the infrastructure sector in the Asia-Pacific region… we will work with governments and key infrastructure industry stakeholders to ensure they have the capacity and willingness to implement good governance measures such as adequate due diligence and champion business integrity across the sector.”

Anna Griffin/Devpolicy Blog:  

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