Public procurement resource guide / Business community calls for UN / Malaysia Najib's appeal prospects

Resource Guide: Building Transparent and Open Public Procurement Systems for Achieving the SDGs in ASEAN.  “Through this guide, UNDP promotes the adoption of a collective action - a multi-stakeholder approach where governments, citizen, and the private sector work together to strengthen transparency and openness in public procurement systems. It maps out existing tools and good practices in the region and beyond, which have been successful in achieving this objective. It also lays out some entry points for policy dialogue on this topic and reforms at the national and subnational levels.”

United Nations Development Programme:  


Business leaders and civil society urge UN to take meaningful action to combat corruption.  “The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Integrity Initiatives International (III), along with 96 civil society organizations from over 50 countries, have called on the UN General Assembly to establish an intergovernmental working group to develop proposals for new frameworks and mechanisms to address weaknesses in current international anti-corruption legal frameworks.”

International Chamber of Commerce:  


Walking Free on Stolen Time, Najib Sees 1MDB Appeal Prospects Improve (Blog).  “The next court, sensing a shift in the political winds, may give Najib’s absurd explanations more credence. The more time that passes—and the more the ruling party is able to manipulate the courts, intimidate the media, and shape public opinion—the less chance there is that Najib and his key co-conspirators will be held accountable for their crimes.”

Jennifer Kline/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  

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