Political finance risks from advertisement / Pakistan political corruption / Bangladesh corruption and political settlements

New Transparency International report makes five global recommendations for regulating online political advertising.  “A new [TI] report…identifies critical risks to the integrity of political financing posed by online advertising and makes five recommendations to policymakers worldwide…1. Bring regulation into the digital era…2. Ensure authentic political messaging…3.Hold platforms accountable for ad transparency…4. Raise the bar for financial reporting…5. Restrict microtargeting and enhance standards for trading personal data.

Transparency International: https://www.transparency.org/en/press/new-transparency-international-report-makes-five-global-recommendations-for-regulating-online-political-advertising  


Political parties need serious introspection (Opinion). “Merely parroting that opposition leaders are corrupt to the core demoralises the nation and raises doubts about the efficacy of democracy creating space for greater influence of the military, judiciary and bureaucracy. It is paradoxical the way corruption is being presented by the PM as though it is confined only to the political class…[Rather, it] exists practically across all major elected and unelected institutions and power centres.”

Talat Masood/The Express Tribune: https://tribune.com.pk/story/2288437/political-parties-need-serious-introspection  


Corruption and political settlements (Podcast).  “Dan Banik speaks with Mashtaq Khan on whether definitions of corruption matter, the relationship between corruption and economic performance, and the impact of efforts to combat corruption in Bangladesh”

SOAS-ACE: https://ace.soas.ac.uk/podcast-corruption-and-political-settlements/

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