Business integrity virtual roundtable / Indonesia local content preference / Malaysia MACC chief interview

Business Integrity Trends in Asia-Pacific: Beyond the Covid-19 Crisis (Virtual roundtable).  This session on 31 March at 13:00 (GMT+7) will bring together representatives from different sectors to discuss examples and exchanges ideas about innovative anti-corruption initiatives that can help companies from big to small, weather the damages of the pandemic and maximize the impact of their companies by doing business with integrity. Register via the link below.



Local products come first (Editorial).  “These policy instruments are designed to enforce the government policy of local content requirements for the various segments of the manufacturing sector…The next concern is how the government will ensure that competition between domestic suppliers who benefit from the local content requirement is fair and transparent, not exploited by brokers in collusion with corrupt officials.”

The Jakarta Post:  


Nothing stops MACC’s fight against corruption (Interview).  “MACC chief commissioner Datuk Seri Azam Baki, who has served the agency for 36 years, views fighting corruption among civil servants as particularly important as he wants to ensure the country’s post-pandemic economic recovery is not hampered by leakages in public funds.”

Nik Mazwin Nik Anis/The Star:

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