China entrepreneurs crackdown / Corruption victims compensation / Philippines president's priority

How China's Massive Corruption Crackdown Snares Entrepreneurs Across The Country (Feature).  “President Xi Jinping launched the campaign in 2018 with the slogan "Saohei chu'e," meaning "sweep away black and eliminate evil."… The saohei campaign has also overlapped with an unusual number of arrests of wealthy businessmen.”

Emily Feng/NPR:   

Why Do So Few Corruption Victims Seek Compensation? (Blog).  “Why, despite the prevalence of corruption, the damage it has wreaked, and the worldwide attention it has drawn, have so few corruption victims sought redress. I hypothesize three factors are to blame: courts’ narrow reading of legal doctrine, especially that governing causation for harm…shortcomings in procedure, and in some countries the threat violent retaliation.”

Richard Messick/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  


President to fight drugs, corruption in last months.  “[The Philippine] President Rodrigo R. Duterte…assured the public that he would dedicate his remaining months in office to eradicate illegal drugs and corruption in the government.”

Manila Standard:  

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