Call for papers - anticorruption data analytics / Spirit of China in Cambodia / Apple anti-corruption policy

Call for Papers: Data Analytics for Anticorruption in Public Administration.  “The Governance Global Practice (GGP) of the World Bank is developing data analytic tools to enhance the analysis and measurement of corruption as part of its new Anticorruption Initiatives…The research program encompasses three phases of activities: a call for papers; a symposium; and a special collection of articles in Data & Policy, a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by Cambridge University Press.” Abstract submission deadline: Monday 15 March 2021

World Bank:  


The Spirit of China in Cambodia (Blog). “Business connections between ‘old’ Chinese (descendants of migrants who came to Cambodia during the French protectorate to engage in commerce, some whom have strong connections with the current urban elites) and the new Chinese influx are now oiling the machinery of Cambodia’s long-standing domestic system of patronage.”

Alexandra Kent/New Mandala:   


Benchmarking Alert: Here’s Apple’s full anti-corruption policy (Blog).  “[Apple’s] anti-corruption policy includes some interesting details…1. A complete ban on facilitating payments…2…Three red flags to look out for when it comes to third parties…3. An expansive view of who is a public official…4. A country-by-country chart for meal limits for public officials…5. Travel expenses for public officials are allowed, but they all have to be pre-approved.”

Henry Cassin/The FCPA Blog:

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