Corruption impact on COVID response / India anti-corruption policies / China anti-corruption campaign's uses

REMINDER: Impact of corruption and integrity on COVID-19 response and recovery (Virtual event).  The virtual interactive circle today at 9PM (GMT +8) will will reflect on the COVID-19 pandemic in the past year from the perspective of anti-corruption and integrity, and discuss the various strategies undertaken by governments, civil society, international organizations and the donor community in integrating anti-corruption in and beyond COVID-19 response and recovery. This session is organized by UNDP, Knowledge Partner of the virtual 2021 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum.



Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy and Compliances- India.  “In recent years, anti-bribery and anti-corruption regime [in India] went through a massive change…The change in attitudes towards corruption and corporate responsibility movements has also heightened business awareness of the obligations and risks posed, and made it imperative for organizations to question what they are doing to address bribery and corruption issues in the organization.”

Rupin Chopra and Nihit Nagpal/Lexology:  


The Many Uses of Xi Jinping’s Anticorruption Campaign (Blog). “Since Chinese President Xi Jinping launched his anticorruption campaign in 2012, much of the foreign commentary has debated the extent to which the campaign is a genuine effort to root out corruption or a means for purging or undermining President Xi’s political opponents. This simple framing, however, obscures the other uses and objectives of the anticorruption campaign.”

Steven Wang/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  

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