UNGASS 2021 petition / Indonesia anti-corruption prospects / Gender dimensions of corruption

Transparency International is launching a campaign towards UNGASS 2021 (Campaign/Petition).  TI has prepared a petition urging the UN General Assembly Special Session Against Corruption forum to make central public registers of beneficial ownership of companies the global standard by making a commitment on this subject in the #UNGASS2021 political declaration. TI is seeking additional sign-ons by NGOs, business associations and trade unions, as well as individual companies via the link below, between now and 5 Jan 2021.

Transparency International: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=d2r57HSK7U-hwgM32S0wX26NtOdIlUtEi-W5W5B1279UMjE5MFA1TkkxSTdTSUtZOEU4RjRUSTdKRi4u


High-profile busts raise hopes of tougher fight against graft in Indonesia.  “Public trust in KPK waned after its wings were clipped. But the recent arrests of senior officials, including two Cabinet ministers, have revived hopes about the future for the agency...[but nabbing] corrupt suspects is one thing, solving pending cases is another, said Professor Zainal Arifin Mochtar, director of Gadjah Mada University's Centre for Anti-corruption Studies.”

Arlina Arshad/The Straits Times: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/high-profile-busts-raise-hopes-of-tougher-fight-against-graft-in-indonesia


UNODC Unlocks the Power of Diversity & Inclusion to Address the Gender Dimensions of Corruption (Publication).  The UNODC publication The Time is Now – Addressing the Gender Dimensions of Corruption “highlights just how many of the gender dimensions of corruption are neither well understood nor sufficiently addressed worldwide. It also explores how gender equality policies can have a positive effect in preventing and countering corruption, and vice versa.”

UNODC: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/frontpage/2020/December/unodc-unlocks-power-of-diversity-and-inclusion-to-address-the-the-gender-dimensions-of-corruption.html  

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