International Anti-Corruption Day / Indonesia Omnibus law / Renewable energy transition

Today is International Anti-Corruption Day. The theme for this year’s IACD campaign, co-led by UNODC and UNDP, is “RECOVER with INTEGRITY”. It focuses on recovery through corruption mitigation and emphasizes that inclusive COVID-19 recovery can only be achieved with integrity. Join the campaign by sharing your message using #UnitedAgainstCorruption #RecoverBetter; and explore other communication materials via the link below.



Indonesia’s Omnibus Law won’t kill corruption (Opinion).  “While corruption is sure to continue in Indonesia’s local government, the Omnibus Law may change the relationship dynamics between local political clans and the political elite in Jakarta. Diminished in power, regional leaders will now need to be in the good books of the national elite to ensure their survival.”

Johannes Nugroho/The Interpreter:


Corruption is Hindering the Global Transition to Renewable Energy (Blog). “Alexandra Gillies from the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI)… sees three main types of culprits…international (private) oil companies, oil-rich governments and national oil companies, who use both legal and illegal means to further their economic interests.”

Maurice Oniango/Transparency International:

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