Myanmar corporate transparency / Samsung compliance review / Climate targets hindrance

Overall corporate transparency in Myanmar improves in 2020, report says.  "While corporate governance and transparency in Myanmar has improved for the private sector this year compared to 2019, conditions at State-Owned Economic Enterprises (SEE) have yet to make similar progress, according to the Pwint Thit Sa Report 2020 issued by the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB)."

Salai Tun Tun/Myanmar Times:  


Samsung's compliance body receives 'constructive review'.  "Samsung's self-created compliance committee received a constructive review from a court advisory panel…[recognizing] its effectiveness as a watchdog in ensuring the country's top conglomerate abided by the law and improved group-wide management transparency.As the group's leader Lee Jae-yong is undergoing a high court re-hearing over a bribery scandal involving [the Republic of Korea's] jailed former president Park, it remains to be seen whether the group's efforts to be as transparent as possible will affect the ruling."

Baek Byung-yeul/The Korea Times:  


Paris Agreement climate targets are being missed because of corruption (Blog).  "Governments, and international and multilateral organisations, are making a green recovery part of their plans for post-COVID-19. But in order to save the planet, corruption must be addressed, as the two are inextricably linked…[As] political interference and the undue influence of oil and gas companies weakens institutions and governance processes put in place to mitigate climate change. "

Brice Böhmer/Transparency International:

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