India fast-tracking justice / Malaysia corruption reporting / Pakistan education reform

Fast-Tracking Justice: India’s New(ish) Strategy to Curb Corruption (Blog).  “This decision [to put a one-year limit on cases involving politicians]…seeks to increase public confidence in the judicial process and to make the legal system more effective in addressing India’s pervasive political corruption…Despite the benefits of the one-year plan, there are two main reasons why achieving this one-year goal could be difficult to achieve in practice: Lack of Judicial Resources…”

Laurel Zigerelli/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  


Many civil servants not brave enough to report graft, says MACC.  “Only 0.01 per cent of the 1.6 million civil servants are brave enough to report corrupt practices in their departments and agencies, said Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Deputy Chief Commissioner (Prevention) Datuk Seri Shamshun Baharin Mohd Jamil…Based on MACC's data, he said, only 343 civil servants provided information on corrupt practices between 2012 and last year.”

New Straits Times:    


Teachers say reforms to eliminate corruption in Edu Dept.  “A press release issued from the office of Tanzeem-e-Asatiza Pakistan (TAP) president in Haripur [Pakistan]…said it was an open secret that corruption was rampant…He said the objective of a corruption-free education department could only be achieved through automation of the system and devolving powers at the district level.”

The News:

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