Anti-corruption history lesson / India state battles corruption / IACC COVID vaccine discussion

When Anticorruption Begets Corruption: A History Lesson from the Roman Republic (Blog).  “the issues that the Senate in the Late Roman Republic faced in revising its ambitus laws are not so different from the issues confronting any legislative body considering drastic measures in the face of rampant corruption. Legislators would be well advised to reflect on this history and to consider whether the laws they pass will actually serve their cause.”

Zachary Meskell/The Global Anticorruption Blog:   


Battling corruption (Editorial).  “Citizens must have access to safe and confidential reporting mechanisms and governments must do more to ease citizens’ fear of retaliation in reporting corruption. On this front, some States like Telangana have taken exemplary initiatives and made commendable progress. Dharani, a one-stop portal for all land transactions in Telangana, is one such initiative worthy of emulation by other States.”

Telangana Today:


Corruption could hinder vaccine distribution, IACC participants warn.  “Misuse of relief funds needs to be closely scrutinized around the world to ensure that coronavirus vaccines are made readily available for all people, emphasized participants of the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) upon the forum’s conclusion…[The] Seoul Declaration…also emphasized the importance of media freedoms, protections for whistle-blowers, protections of ethnic minorities and LGBTQIA+ communities from discrimination and the protection of democratic norms amid growing populism as part of the global battle against corruption.”

Korea JoongAng Daily:

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