
Showing posts from December, 2020

Malaysia immigration anti-corruption / Pakistan civil service perception / Nepal graft cases claims

Technology vs corruption.   “We have developed several online services…We have also introduced e-payment facilities for our services…By doing this, there will no longer be incidents of “kehilangan wang awam” (loss of public money) when a certain amount of cash goes missing…Also, by introducing the MyTravelPass (a single window system to manage entrance and exit applications) we have managed to reduce the discretionary power of immigration officers, hence closing off another possible avenue of power abuse.” Mazwin Nik Anis/The Star:     Public perception about civil service (Opinion).  “The public feels that [Pakistan’s] civil service is corrupt; breeds a culture of non-responsiveness, apathy, elitism and arrogance; and enjoys excessive perks in the form of official vehicles, palatial residences and unlimited allowances.” Hasaan Khawar/The Express Tribune:

Myanmar corporate transparency / Samsung compliance review / Climate targets hindrance

Overall corporate transparency in Myanmar improves in 2020, report says.  "While corporate governance and transparency in Myanmar has improved for the private sector this year compared to 2019, conditions at State-Owned Economic Enterprises (SEE) have yet to make similar progress, according to the Pwint Thit Sa Report 2020 issued by the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB)." Salai Tun Tun/Myanmar Times:     Samsung's compliance body receives 'constructive review'.  "Samsung's self-created compliance committee received a constructive review from a court advisory panel…[recognizing] its effectiveness as a watchdog in ensuring the country's top conglomerate abided by the law and improved group-wide management transparency.As the group's leader Lee Jae-yong is undergoing a high court re-hearing over a bribery scandal involving

Indonesia cabinet reshuffle / India CBI manual update / Myanmar systemic corruption

Amid Corruption and COVID-19, Jokowi Shakes Up Indonesia’s Cabinet.  “Four ministers were fired and two others were rotated to more important positions, ending weeks of speculation about possible changes to the cabinet line-up…The reshuffle also replaced two ministers arrested recently for corruption.” Sebastian Strangio/The Diplomat:     CBI to finish majority of its corruption probes in nine months.   “The [Indian] Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has decided to complete the majority of its probes under Prevention of Corruption (PC) Act within a maximum of nine months, according to the latest Crime Manual of the agency, updated after 15 years.” Neeraj Chauhan/The Hindustan Times:     Nodes of Corruption, Lines of Abuse

IMF transparency measures / Bangladesh climate change investments / Republic of Korea president approval rating

A Covid-19 Checkup: How the IMF’s Transparency Measures Have Fared So Far (Blog).  “In short, it seems that the IMF—in part due to the prodding and pressure from civil society—has struck roughly the right balance between speed and transparency. Now that Covid vaccinination has begun, anticorruption officials ought to turn towards making sure the IMF checks the receipts that countries have been told to so diligently keep and works with countries to return to their pre-pandemic budgeting practices.” Clay Hackney/The Global Anticorruption Blog:     Climate change investments in Bangladesh: leveraging dual-use characteristics as an anti-corruption tool (Working Paper).   “corruption has not affected all climate change projects equally or in the same way, even when implemented by the same agency, funded by the same funder, and therefore with identical for

Myanmar infrastructure risks / Viet Nam anti-corruption wins trust / Public procurement-open ownership

MDBs in Myanmar: risk regulators on complex infrastructure projects? (Blog).  “Considering the context of Myanmar, which is a new and weak democracy within a corruption-prone landscape, risk mitigation based on an awareness of the local political economy is essential. MDBs must take on a more engaged “risk regulator” role rather than leave responsibility to the government.” Sayuri Ichikawa and Rual Thang/New Mandala:     Vietnam’s Communists brace for next 5 years after big 2020. “‘While the Vietnamese economy is basically stable, the party has gained more trust from citizens thanks to positive results from the anti-corruption campaign and reshuffle of the party,’ said the 76-year-old Trong, who is party general secretary, as well as Vietnam's president and controls the armed forces as secretary of the Central Military Commission.” Tomoya Onishi/Nikkei Asia: https://

Malaysia anti-corruption recommendations / Indonesia possible cabinet reshuffle / Nepal medical procurement

Rooting Out Corruption in Malaysia (Op-Ed).  “The following policy recommendations by the C4 and fully endorsed by EMIR Research for the Perikatan Nasional government under Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin are as follows, namely: (a) the necessity to revive and table the Government Procurement Bill by early next year; and (b) that the Special Cabinet Committee on Anti-Corruption (JKKMAR) be empowered and authorised to monitor and call out those that delay the implementation of the [National Anti-Corruption Plan.” Jason Loh/The ASEAN Post:     Cabinet shake-up on table amid graft, virus failures.  “[Indonesia’s] President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo may now be more inclined to reshuffle his Cabinet – a threat he has been using to spur miniters into action since late June – following his administration’s lackluster pandemic response and the arrest of two of his minister [on graft charges], experts have said.” M

Corruption impacts healthcare / Myanmar ACC complaints / Tackling infrastructure corruption

The Ignored Pandemic Behind COVID-19: the Impact of Corruption on Healthcare Service Delivery (Publication).   “This paper brings together worldwide evidence of six key corruption manifestations at the point of service delivery: informal payments from patients; embezzlement and theft; absenteeism; corrupt service provision activities, such as overcharging and false treatment reimbursement claims; favouritism; and manipulation of data.” Transparency International:   Anti-Corruption Commission receives over 5,000 complaint letters as of November 2020.  “Myanmar Anti-Corruption Commission received more than 5,000 complaint letters in eleven months of 2020, which is the lowest number of letters in three years…the anti-corruption commission received 10,543 complaint letters in 2018 and 9,394 letters in 2019 across the country.” The Global New Light of Myanmar:

Indonesia sovereign fund / Thailand stimulus probed / Myanmar extractives contracts

After 1MDB scandal, investors view Indonesia’s new fund warily.   “To attract investors to its new sovereign fund, Indonesia needs to show governance protocols are airtight, analysts say…   Nusantara Investment Authority will take lessons from other sovereign wealth funds and adopt a framework based on independence, transparency and accountability, said Isa Rachmatarwata, the finance ministry’s director general of state assets”   Al Jazeera:   Co-pay scheme probed for graft.  “The [Thai] Finance Ministry is investigating alleged corruption in the government's co-payment scheme which subsidises half the cost of purchases, known as Kon La Krueng and the latest tourism stimulus campaign known as Rao Tiew Duay Kan (We Travel Together). Bangkok Post:   Myanmar President

India fast-tracking justice / Malaysia corruption reporting / Pakistan education reform

Fast-Tracking Justice: India’s New(ish) Strategy to Curb Corruption (Blog).  “This decision [to put a one-year limit on cases involving politicians]…seeks to increase public confidence in the judicial process and to make the legal system more effective in addressing India’s pervasive political corruption…Despite the benefits of the one-year plan, there are two main reasons why achieving this one-year goal could be difficult to achieve in practice: Lack of Judicial Resources…” Laurel Zigerelli/The Global Anticorruption Blog:     Many civil servants not brave enough to report graft, says MACC.   “Only 0.01 per cent of the 1.6 million civil servants are brave enough to report corrupt practices in their departments and agencies, said Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Deputy Chief Commissioner (Prevention) Datuk Seri Shamshun Baharin Mohd Jamil…Based on

Malaysia credits rating / Windows of opportunity support / Business integrity in emerging markets

Malaysia sliding down slippery slope, warns Credit Suisse after Ku Nan’s RM1m bribery case discharge. “Malaysia will suffer if corrupt political leaders and figures continue to walk free from corruption charges…Credit Suisse Malaysia’s Managing Director and the Head of Equities Stephen Hagger said the recent downgrading of the country by American credits rating agency Fitch Ratings was such an example.” Jerry Choong/Malay Mail:     Making the Most of “Windows of Opportunity” for Anticorruption Reform (Blog).  “First, we recommend efforts to help build networks of reformers, both within and across countries…Second…stepping up support in two related areas: (1) messaging and branding; and (2) dealing with disinformation (beyond fact-checking)… Third, reformers need more support in navigating the “inside game” of legislative and regulato

Transparency Afghanistan established / COVID vaccine policy paper / Sri Lanka COVID relief

Transparency International announces establishment of National Contact in Afghanistan (Press Release).   “Transparency International is pleased to announce the establishment of Transparency Afghanistan, the global anti-corruption coalition’s new National Contact in Afghanistan…[It] proposes to focus on transparency in government procurements, advocate for business integrity, the accountability of Afghan anti-corruption institutions, fulfilment of the Afghanistan government’s anti-corruption commitments and citizens’ access to information.” Transparency International:   COVID-19 vaccines & corruption risks: preventing corruption in the manufacture, allocation and distribution of vaccines (Policy Paper).  “With COVID-19 vaccines being approved for use in different parts of the globe, the scale and complexity of their manufacture, allocation and

Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (12 December 2020): Fiji, PNG, Vanuatu

FIJI: Fiji launches anti-bribery campaign.  Fiji launched an anti-bribery campaign to mark the International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) on Wednesday and reaffirmed the country's strong commitment to eradicate corruption. His Excellency President Major-General (Ret’d) Jioji Konusi Konrote's address at the International Anti-Corruption Day 2020 & Launch of FICAC’s Anti-bribery Campaign .  “In order to “Recover with Integrity”, the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) is launching a nation-wide public service: ‘I don’t accept bribes’ campaign, during which all Public servants in the civil service and statutory bodies will receive a badge…This campaign has also been made possible with the support from our friends at the United Nations Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption (UN-PRAC) Project.”

UNGASS 2021 petition / Indonesia anti-corruption prospects / Gender dimensions of corruption

Transparency International is launching a campaign towards UNGASS 2021 (Campaign/Petition).  TI has prepared a petition urging the UN General Assembly Special Session Against Corruption forum to make central public registers of beneficial ownership of companies the global standard by making a commitment on this subject in the #UNGASS2021 political declaration. TI is seeking additional sign-ons by NGOs, business associations and trade unions, as well as individual companies via the link below, between now and 5 Jan 2021. Transparency International:   High-profile busts raise hopes of tougher fight against graft in Indonesia.   “Public trust in KPK waned after its wings were clipped. But the recent arrests of senior officials, including two Cabinet ministers, have revived hopes about the future for the agency...[but nabbing] corrupt suspects i

International Anti-Corruption Day / Indonesia Omnibus law / Renewable energy transition

Today is International Anti-Corruption Day. The theme for this year’s IACD campaign, co-led by UNODC and UNDP, is “RECOVER with INTEGRITY”. It focuses on recovery through corruption mitigation and emphasizes that inclusive COVID-19 recovery can only be achieved with integrity. Join the campaign by sharing your message using #UnitedAgainstCorruption #RecoverBetter; and explore other communication materials via the link below. UNODC-UNDP:   Indonesia’s Omnibus Law won’t kill corruption (Opinion).  “While corruption is sure to continue in Indonesia’s local government, the Omnibus Law may change the relationship dynamics between local political clans and the political elite in Jakarta. Diminished in power, regional leaders will now need to be in the good books of the national elite to ensure their survival.” Johannes Nugroho/The Interpreter:

Anti-corruption history lesson / India state battles corruption / IACC COVID vaccine discussion

When Anticorruption Begets Corruption: A History Lesson from the Roman Republic (Blog).   “the issues that the Senate in the Late Roman Republic faced in revising its ambitus laws are not so different from the issues confronting any legislative body considering drastic measures in the face of rampant corruption. Legislators would be well advised to reflect on this history and to consider whether the laws they pass will actually serve their cause.” Zachary Meskell/The Global Anticorruption Blog:       Battling corruption (Editorial).  “Citizens must have access to safe and confidential reporting mechanisms and governments must do more to ease citizens’ fear of retaliation in reporting corruption. On this front, some States like Telangana have taken exemplary initiatives and made commendable progress. Dharani, a one-stop portal for all land tran

Indonesia fintech risks / Pakistan ACE restructure / Afghanistan accuses donor hypocrisy

Risk of fintech misuse for money politics in elections (Opinion).  “In 2018, the Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) discovered indications that e-money was being used in money politics…Given the increase in e-commerce transactions as a result of the pandemic, offering free digital wallet top-ups and balance transfers could attract voters.” Venti Pertiwi/The Jakarta Post:   CM orders speedy restructuring of anti-corruption body.   “[Pakistan’s] Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan has directed the quarters concerned to finalize the draft of the proposed new law within three weeks to make the functions of the Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) more effective” Dawn:     Afghans, Under Fire for Corruption, Accuse Donors of Hypocrisy.  “Due in large part to int

Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (5 December 2020): Fiji, PNG, Vanuatu

FIJI: TLTB Employees, Businessman on Bribery Charge Front Court.  Two senior staff members from the iTaukei Land Trust Board (TLTB) and a businessman charged with numerous counts of bribery, appeared at the Labasa Magistrates Court FICAC Petition of Appeal Filed.  A petition of appeal was today filed in the case regarding the acquitted former employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs charged with corruption related offences.   PNG: Basil referred to PNG Corruption Watchdog.   The Ombudsman Commission advises that it has referred Hon Sam Basil MP, Member for Bulolo Open, Member, Morobe Provincial Assembly to the Public Prosecutor for alleged misconduct in office. Papua New Guinea embroiled in ongoing political turmoil.  The governm

UNDP at IACC / India laws insufficient / Infrastructure Transparency Index

UNDP sessions at the International Anti-Corruption Conference. Today,UNDP Associate Administrator (a.i.) Mr. Mourad Wahba will be speaking at the closing plenary of the IACC. We are also hosting one session today and one tomorrow. Once you have registered for the main IACC event, you can access the sessions via the links below ‘Pacific Unity Against Corruption’session today on 4 December at 9-10:30am (GMT): Integrating Anti-Corruption in Socio-Economic Recovery to Build Forward Better on 5 December at 12-13:30 GMT:               Need more than laws to eradicate graft (Editorial).  “With its fine bureaucratic balance, [the Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act (2018)] looks good on paper, progressive even, by seeking to deter bribe-givers, shielding public servants from being unfairly targeted, and expediting cases. It is now a good time to

UNDP at IACC today / India revenue officer / Supporting anticorruption reformers

UNDP sessions at the International Anti-Corruption Conference today.   There will be three sessions organized by UNDP at the IACC today. Once you have registered for the main IACC event, you can access the sessions via the links below ‘Beyond Compliance: Innovative Approaches to Business Integrity and Responsible Business Conduct in Southeast Asia’ (8-9:30am GMT): Integrity Is the New Black – Youth as Game Changers in the Pacific (8-9:30am GMT): The Many Faces of the Pandemic: What Does the Future Hold for the Anti-Corruption Movement? Digitalisation, Innovation and Integrity as Drivers for Success (6-7:30pm GMT):   Officer gets public to take anti-corruption pledge.  “In an attempt to eliminate corruption, a young revenue officer is encouraging farmers and the general public to

UNDP at IACC today / Myanmar ACC gains trust / Malaysia police situation

Knowledge Sharing on Effective Corruption Prevention Tools: Lessons Learned from Collaboration between ACRC and UNDP session at the International Anti-Corruption Conference today. This workshop at 8am (GMT) will showcase the good practices and the lessons learned in [Republic of Korea’s Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission-UNDP Seoul Policy Centre] partnership with several countries, illustrating how knowledge can be most effectively shared, applied and institutionalized. Once you are registered for the main IACC event, you can access the session via the link below. IACC:   Myanmar’s Corruption Commission Tops Regional Poll.  “Among 17 Asia-Pacific countries, the Anti-Corruption Commission of Myanmar has gained the highest trust of its citizens, according to a report by Transparency International, a global coalition against corruption.” Zaw Zaw Htwe/The Irrawaddy:

UNDP at IACC today / Environmental degradation and corruption / Corruption in Asia

‘Moving from Commitments to Actions’ session at the International Anti-Corruption Conference today (Webinar).  Today at 9:30-11:00 am (GMT), UNDP is hosting an interactive circle discussion to showcase various mechanisms for monitoring anti-corruption progress and provide recommendations to strengthen multi-stakeholder collaboration to promote the implementation of anti-corruption efforts.Once you are registered for the main IACC event, you can access the session via the link below. IACC:     Lighting the path ahead at the intersection of environmental degradation, illicit trade and corruption (Blog/Webinar series).  “we are hosting a monthly series of virtual dialogues in late 2020 and the first half of 2021. Under the banner of "Corrupting the environment", the events will bring together leading experts from all sectors and corners of the world to explore the intersection between environmental