UNODC Anti-Corruption Newsletter / China's Gilded Age podcast / China and India e-government anti-corruption

UNODC Anti-Corruption Newsletter: Southeast Asia June-September 2020.  Follow UNODC's work over the past quarter, ranging from an analysis of beneficial ownership in Southeast Asia, a study of corruption risks in COVID-19 emergency packages,to corruption investigation training in Viet Nam.

Direct link to the beneficial ownership analysis:

Direct link to the COVID-19 emergency package study:



China's Gilded Age (Podcast).  "Professor Yuen Yuen Ang joins Felix Salmon, Emily Peck, and Anna Szymanski to discuss her book China's Gilded Age: The Paradox of Economic Boom and Vast Corruption and how it relates to China and the United States."

Yuen Yuen Ang, Felix Salmon, Emily Peck, and Anna Szymanski/Slate Money: 


Public sector innovation, egovernment, and anticorruption in China and India: Insights from civil servants (Journal Article).  "Distinctive from their traditional anticorruption approaches, is the innovative egovernment approach an effective solution to corruption in these two large developing countries?... What is worth noting is that the Chinese respondents were more positive regarding the role of transparency, whereas the Indian respondents were more positive about the role of technology, which may reflect the different facilitators of corruption and the constraints of anticorruption in China and India."

Alfred M. Wu, Yifei Yan, and Lina Vyas/Australian Journal of Public Administration:  

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