Nepal infrastructure procurement / High-level Reporting Mechanism / Indonesia KPK public trust

Citizens empowered: An open secret to building local infrastructure on time and budget (Blog).  “Decentralization in Nepal has given local governments a new level of decision-making power and accountability to citizens…The government of Dhangadhi, the gateway to Nepal’s far west, has improved oversight of one of the city’s biggest budget items, small-scale infrastructure, by introducing new transparent policies, digitizing its processes and creating new channels to engage citizens and seek their feedback on project performance.”

Sophie Brown/Open Contracting Partnership:  


New OECD study on how to implement a HLRM for clean, transparent public procurement (Blog and Publication).  “The OECD has released a new study on the ingredients for a successful High-Level Reporting Mechanism (HLRM). This flexible, non-legal tool allows the private sector to report issues to a high-level office that is external to the public entity where the problem has occurred.”

Direct link to publication:

William Loo/Basel Institute on Governance:  


Explainer: How the KPK is losing public trust.  “Since its establishment in 2003 in the wake of the 1998 reform movement, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has spearheaded Indonesia’s long battle against corruption. But now, the KPK is losing public trust as criticism abounds over its new and controversial leaders and a restrictive new anticorruption law.”

Moch. Fiqih Prawira Adjie/The Jakarta Post:  

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