Afghanistan Human Development Report / Thailand transparency ranking / Indonesia money laundering

National Human Development Report 2020: Pitfalls and Promise – Minerals Extractions in Afghanistan.  “The control of minerals extraction by insurgent groups has also meant that they have been financing and fuelling conflict, while undermining the legitimacy of the State and further spreading corruption and violence.”

UNDP Afghanistan:  


Graft ranking needs rethink (Editorial).  “The [Thai] National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) seems to have repeated the same mistakes of 2019 when it released its annual Integrity and Transparency [Assessment] ranking for government agencies, state enterprises and independent bodies for this year…Independent bodies which share the courts and military branches' top ranking include the Election Commission, as well as the NACC itself. That the EC received high [ITA] scores seems inconsistent with the fact that the agency has far too often attracted public complaints.”

Bangkok Post:


Blight of money laundering (Editorial).  “[Indonesia’s] Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, which most other countries call the financial intelligence unit…reported a 240 percent increase in suspicious transactions through the capital market over the last two quarters…The indictment that charged Pinangki with aiding and abetting corruption convict Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra while he was a fugitive…alleged that the state prosecurtor had made cash transaction stotaling around US$440,000 between November 2019 and July 2020.”

The Jakarta Post:

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