New Kickback podcast / Malaysia sustainability audit / Indonesia construction corruption

New Podcast Episode, Featuring James Wasserstrom (Part 2) (Blog/Podcast).  “Mr. Wasserstrom discusses his work as a special advisor on anticorruption issues at the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan…[and] talks about the importance of anticorruption work in ensuring stability and security, the challenges he faced in convincing senior military and diplomatic officials of the need to take corruption seriously, and why it’s important, in situations like Afghanistan, to adopt a “zero tolerance” approach to corruption and to use strict conditionalities on aid”

Matthew Stephenson/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  


Ex-FGV Holdings senior GM charged over RM10,000 bribe.  “[Norazam Abdul Hameed,] former senior general manager of FGV Holdings Bhd was charged in the Sessions Court…with agreeing to accept RM10,000 (approx. US$ 2,400)…to recommend a company for audit work to obtain the International Sustainability Carbon Certification (ISCC) for FGV Palm Industries Sdn Bhd.”

Free Malaysia Today:  


West Sumatra District Head Gets Four Years’ Imprisonment for Graft.  “South Solok District Head Muzni Zakaria was found guilty of taking bribe in infrastructure projects in the district…He has accepted nearly Rp 3 billion (approx. US$204,000) in kickbacks from businessmen involved in the construction of the Ambayan Bridge and the Grand Mosque in the district,”

Fana Suparman/Jakarta Globe:  

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