UNDP-UNSSC online course registration / Republic of Korea Practitioner's Note / Indonesia regional graft methods

REMINDER: Registration still open for the free UNDP-UNSSC online course on ‘Anti-Corruption in the context of the 2030 Agenda, November-December 2020.  This online course adopts an integrated approach to achieving the SDGs from an anti-corruption and SDG16 perspective. It features concrete examples to provide practical guidance on integrating, measuring and monitoring anti-corruption in national, sectoral and local development plans and processes. It also includes new materials and a dedicated lasson on Anti-corruption in COVID-19 Response and Recovery.

Registration via the link below closes 12 October 2020

UNDP and UN System Staff College: https://www.unssc.org/courses/anti-corruption-context-2030-agenda-november-december-2020/   


Strategic Approaches to Corruption Prevention: A Practitioner's Perspective Based on the Experience of the Republic of Korea and UNDP Missions.  “In this paper, the author draws on 18 years of his experience at the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of Korea…Overall, this practitioner's note seeks to share the author's experience and provide practical guidance to Anti-Corruption practitioners on how to devise a tangible roadmap to prevent corruption.”

Euywhan Kim/UNDP: http://www.undp.org/content/seoul_policy_center/en/home/library/practitioner-s-note-1.html


KPK identify graft methods used by regional heads to get back campaign funds.  Indonesia’s “Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) identified at least six modi operandi for corruption committed by regional heads…by offering positions in the regional administration to officials in exchange for illicit money…manipulate the procurement of goods and services through regional budget planning…sell permits to certain corporations supporting their political campaign…embezzle from the regional budget…receive unlawful gifts…embezzle regional income by disbursing it to other state officials.”

The Jakarta Post: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/09/30/kpk-identify-graft-methods-used-by-regional-heads-to-get-back-campaign-funds.html  

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