Weakened KPK may face hurdles / COVID-19 and Corruption: The View from South Asia (Webinar) / A pandemic of corruption

Weakened KPK may face hurdles in probing social aid graft: Activists. ““If the COVID-19 aid funds are misused by state officials, such as regents, mayors, governors or ministers and their respective deputies, it will be difficult because [the KPK] is very procedural it needs to report to the President in handling those cases,” Former KPK deputy chief Mochammad Jasin said during a virtual discussion held by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW)” 




COVID-19 and Corruption: The View from South Asia (Webinar). “Please join a discussion organized by CIPE’s Anti-Corruption & Governance Center and Accountability Lab on Wednesday, April 29th from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM EST. The session will feature an overview of issues in the region from well recognized South Asia expert and Illinois State University professor Dr. Ali Riaz.” 




A pandemic of corruption: $40 masks, questionable contracts, rice-stealing bureaucrats mar coronavirus response. “Countries large and small are shelling out trillions of dollars to combat both the coronavirus outbreak and its brutal economic fallout in what analysts are calling the largest financial response ever to a single global crisis. As governments race to source everything from food aid to face masks, they are prioritizing speed over transparency, dropping competitive bidding and other safeguards to keep pace with the pandemic.” 


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