Shaping a sustainable post-COVID-19 world / The coming corruption pandemic / Urgent Need for Anti-Corruption Measures

Shaping a sustainable post-Covid-19 world: five lessons for business (Opinion). “Mike Barry of A Blueprint for Better Business outlines how companies can convert the management-speak of ‘purpose’ into action that contributes towards building a more resilient, equal and healthy society on the other side of the pandemic.” 


Mike Barry / Ethical Corporation: 



COVID-19 and the coming corruption pandemic (Opinion). Corruption can significantly reduce dollars that should flow to the people needing those dollars most, but it will also diminish the quality of products provided by companies having illicitly won contracts. (…) And at a time where effective measures will be needed to ensure a more timely recovery, corruption is a major threat to the world’s economic and medical rehabilitation.” 




Urgent need for anti-corruption measures in IMF response to COVID-19 crisis (Letter to IMF). “While the exigencies of the crisis might appear to diminish the importance of continuing to strengthen the IMF’s commitment to fight corruption, the opposite is true. Corruption risks do not disappear during crises such as this one. In fact, they may be exacerbated by dramatic increases in the amounts and speed of spending, as well as the weakening or breakdown of oversight mechanisms, that allow powerful actors to take advantage of the crisis for their own benefit.” 



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