Corruption in Iran’s response to COVID-19 / Indonesian watchdogs demand transparency / 19th IACC postponed

Corruption hinders Iran's response to coronavirus outbreak. "A well-connected network is controlling the distribution of protective masks and sanitation products in Iran as the country struggles to deal with an outbreak of COVID-19, officials warned. Saeed Namaki, Iran's health minister […] said that officials in the health ministry had been working hard to provide the needed products, but they did not have enough power to overcome the hoarders." 




Watchdogs urge KPK to restart key position selection over lack of transparency. "A coalition of civil society organizations has urged the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to start over its selection process for a key position within the commission, citing a lack of transparency regarding the whole process. The watchdogs were concerned about a hidden agenda by KPK leaders in the selection process to place certain individuals in key positions." 




19th International Anti-Corruption Conference postponed (Announcement). "As safety and health take prominence over any other consideration, the IACC Council, Transparency International and Korean hosts have decided to postpone the 19th IACC to a later date this year."  


Transparency International: 

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